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For the last 20 years, David Dukich has been a Naturopathic Health Practitioner as well as being Board Certified by the National Association of Certified Natural Health Professionals. David unceasingly continues to broaden and expand his knowledge through continuing education and seminars.

By addressing Body, Mind and Spirit, a person can realize their full potential in a balanced, healthy lifestyle. This approach can help anyone have something to be truly happy and grateful for.

Through the below modalities he has successfully managed his Parkinson’s Disease for over 20 years. In younger days, David was a licensed Counselor for the Department of Corrections specializing in the “Emotional Root Cause” for self-defeating actions. He is also an Ordained Family Life Minister through the Seminary at Creighton University. 

David’s personal philosophy is E.I.M. - Everything In Moderation. He also believes that Two Steps Forward and One Step Back is Still... One Step Ahead.
Holistic Wellness Consult - $119
* This is the recommended first appointment with David*
A perfect start to your journey to wellness. See how your Mind, Body, and Spirit can guide you on your path to health and happiness. Do you question why everything is out of sync from energy to mood and weight? Let us be your guide to a new and exciting lifestyle change that can define the “Root Cause” to your dysfunction. It’s time to smile again and realize your expectations are more than just dreams! Together we’ll define a step-by-step plan you can then put into action and
“Know It Can Be Accomplished"
Applied Kinesiology - $149
Using your muscles, you can discover what “weakens” or “strengthens” your body. This process is called Applied Kinesiology or more commonly referred to as “Muscle Testing” (MT). MT taps into you subconscious known as Parasympathetic Nervous System Response, which allows you to answer questions about your physical, mental and emotional well-being. Learn how to open this gateway with practical exercises and
experience an eye-opening and fun filled session on
what’s right for you.
Bach Flowers - $149
Dr. Edward Bach was the pioneer who created 38 Primary Flower Essences on the notion that personality and root cause was far more important in scale than symptoms of health. Bach determined that there were 7 Primary Roots of Conflict (stress) that many diseases can develop from. By checking “Yes” to a self-assessment questionnaire and utilizing “Muscle Testing” you’ll be able to concoct your own Personal Flower Essence Remedy and remember… Peace is not the absence of conflict, but the ability to cope with it! Leave with a smile, hope and emotional support all in a bottle.
Reflexology - $99
Reflexology is a natural, nurturing and holistic therapy that has been practiced successfully in Asia for thousands of years. It utilizes Meridians which are energy pathways that work through the body at 26 different points that primarily end at the feet. Accupressure is applied to different zones that correspond with organs of the body. This in turn engages our parasympathetic nervous system which aids in our innate ability in "self-healing" through our body's physiology with emotional and physical challenges.
Meridian Rebalancing (Jin Shin Jyutsu)
According to ancient records housed in the Archives of the Imperial Palace in Japan, Jin Shin has been around for centuries and was an innate part of man’s wisdom to heal thyself. It is comprised of 26 “Energy Meridians” that can be opened by the Parasympathetic using light touch connecting positive, negative and ground poles just like a car battery. If either of the 3 aren’t connected, your engine won’t start or can cause damage. Considering Jin Shin is like a jumper cable, allowing your engine to re- start and function with Body, Mind and Spirit. It’s like the old yellow pages ad for “Let Your Fingers Do the Walking”. Let us teach you how Jin Shin can help you with your maintenance of health, happiness and benevolence.
60 minute session - $99
90 Minute Session - $149
Nutritional Supplementation (Foods/Vitamins) - $149
Hippocrates the father of medicine once stated: “Medicine should do no harm” and “Let food by thy medicine and medicine be thy food”. Times have changed… The US now ranks as the most obese country in the world, along with the highest consumption of sugar! Between GMO’s, pesticides, herbicides and questionable protein sources, it’s no wonder our nutritional assimilation abilities are challenged. Ok then, you ate it, but can you absorb it? That’s why there is beneficial supplementation that can help support some deficiencies. And did you know the Anatomy of Digestion starts with the brain and mouth, NOT the stomach. Nutrition starts with healthy life choices. Let us be your travel guide on your journey to a better Body, Mind and Spirit.
Holistic Health Assessment (HHA)
The term Holistic is characterized by the belief that the parts of something are Interconnected and can be explained only by reference to the Whole. HHA starts with self-assessment, self-study, self-help and self-change. Look in the mirror, point to yourself and come from the heart which is energetically 5,000 times stronger than the mind. What you resist will persist. Learn about Applied Kinesiology, Bach Flowers,
Health Markers including Iridology, Meridian Rebalancing and Nutritional
Supplementation. Discover practical applications to Transform your Health into Positive Lifestyle Choices.

Full 5-hour session - $499
Two 2.5-hour sessions - $250 each

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